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Membership Categories and Dues


Full members

A full member is any California non-profit or public agency that supports the concept of consolidated and/or coordinated transportation. Full members include:

Public Operators

Any public, joint powers agency, or other government entity that collects fares and operates passenger service, fixed route, paratransit, or route deviation to the general public. Service can be provided through staff, contracted to for-profit or non-profit operators.

Non-profit Transportation Agencies

Any non-profit organization that operates passenger transportation services to the general public and/or clients inside and outside of the agency. Included are CTSAs that operate services to the general public, or are under contract to a public operator.

Human Service Agencies

Non-profit agencies or units of local government that primarily provide human or social services to clients. They may operate limited transportation programs or services for specific clients or in coordination and/or cooperation with other agencies. Transportation is generally incidental to the services provided.

Local or Regional Government Agencies

Cities, counties, councils of governments, metropolitan planning organizations, regional transportation planning agencies, local transportation commissions, and others who are responsible for transportation funding decisions, but do not directly operate service or collect fares. CTSAs that coordinate, but do not operate, service are included.

State and Federal Agencies

Departments of the state or federal government. Examples include the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the State Department of Developmental Services, and the Veterans Home of California.

Universities and Colleges

Any college or university that either operates service or provides educational programs designed for passenger transportation officials.


Any 501 c 3, 4 , 5 or 6 organization that provides member benefits, but does not operate or contract for transportation services on a regular basis.


Any other public or non-profit organization that does not collect fares. Examples include Non-Profits United Vehicle Insurance Pool, Blue Lake Rancheria.

Associate Members

All organizations, other than California non-profit or public agencies, or individuals interested in specialized transportation.


Vendors catering to bus, rail, and paratransit; including vehicles, fuel, supplies, parts, hardware, and software.

For-profit Contractors

Businesses providing transit-related services.


Individuals or consultancies focused on any aspects of public or paratransit, procurement, legal, legislative, or organizational concerns and have 3 employees or less.

Supporting Members

Supporting members include any non-voting members from organizations that are Full or Associate members.


Public Operators and Non-Profit Transportation Operators

Dues for Public Operators and Non-Profit Transportation Operators are based on total operating revenues.

Annual Operating RevenuesAnnual Dues
$1 million or less$840
$1 – 5 million$975
$5 – 10 million$1175
$10 million or more$1665
For the 2025 membership (calendar) year, dues will be based on the most recently available “Transit Operators and Non-Transit Claimants Report”, as prepared by the State Controller. For 2025 dues, information from the 2022-23 fiscal year report (Table 1, Statement of Revenues and Expenses for Fiscal Year 2022-23) will be used. Organizations not included in the report can determine dues based on their total operating revenues for their fiscal year ending in 2024. Total operating revenues do not include capital grants.

Local or Regional Government Agencies

Dues for Local or Regional Government Agencies are based on the most recent publicly available information on population from the State of California Department of Finance Research Unit).

PopulationAnnual Dues
50,000 or less$840
50,001 – 200,000$975
200,001 – 1,000,000$1175
More than 1,000,000$1665

Other Categories of Full Members

CategoryAnnual Dues
Human Service Agencies$840
Colleges and Universities$975
State and Federal Agencies$1665

Associate Members

CategoryAnnual Dues
Associate Members (Default)$1450
1Consultants must have 3 employees or less.