The following represents CALACT’s approach to federal issues regarding transportation and transportation access:
Federal Issues:
- Develop a legislative platform for the 2009 Reauthorization of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act, A Legacy for Users (SAFETEALU).
- Promote legislation and policies that support coordination between all federal agencies. Coordination includes blending or co-mingling of funding sources to support transportation.
- Advocate for Medicaid policies that promote the use of transit as Medicaid providers and reimbursement for transportation costs at an equivalent rate to private providers for paratransit trips.
- Amend the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board guidelines to adjust the standard for slope on low floor, ramp-equipped vehicles for non-curbed street use. Encourage federal guidelines to improve usability of low floor bus ramps in all terrains without curbs.
- Oppose any changes in Department of Transportation (DOT) American’s with Disabilities (ADA) regulations or interpretations without full public notice and comment.
- Support legislation that provides tax incentives for people who use public transit instead of a personal vehicle.