Reasonable Suspicion
Certification Training
March 20th at 10:30 AM
This will be a two and half hour webinar-based training. The training program will be presented online using Zoom allowing the trainer to facilitate through presentation, videos, handouts, questions and discussion.
The session is provided for transit system employees that may be responsible for making fit-ness for duty and reasonable suspicion determinations. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Drug and Alcohol Testing Program regulations state that an employer must require a covered employee to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test when the employer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has used a prohibited drug or misused alcohol.
The training will focus on the physical, behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of probable drug use and alcohol misuse. Supervisors are trained in the facts, circumstances, physical evidence, physical signs and symptoms or patterns and/or behaviors that are associated with prohibited drug use or alcohol misuse. The training will include resource materials and real-life scenarios. The training meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 655.14 for reasonable suspicion training.
In addition to being required to attend the webinar, all participants will also be required to complete an online “post-webinar quiz” following completion of the webinar. A certificate will be issued for all individuals who actively participated in the training module and who also passed the “post-webinar quiz”.
Trainer: Sean Oswald, Senior Associate, RLS & Associates