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Apply Now for CTAA’s Emerging Leaders Academy

Hello from CTAA and the Emerging Leaders Academy!

Are you a rising star in the Transit industry? Have you found yourself suddenly in management, and want to improve upon your leadership skills? Do you find yourself wondering, “How can I contribute more?”

We’ve been soul-searching with these questions in mind, too. CTAA has refreshed our Emerging Leaders Academy, a week-long and fully immersive program for transportation professionals held at our offices in Washington, D.C., from March 3-8, 2024. Join ELA’s Cohort 6 on a professional journey of self-discovery, engaging learning opportunities, group discussions and workshops, as well as practical management techniques.

In addition to all of the in-house work that ELA Cohort 6 will experience, participants will also be a part of CTAA’s annual Hill Day. Imagine yourself and colleagues, walking the walk and talking the talk with members of Congress to influence real-life transit systems and legislation along the halls of the United States Capitol: each ELA participant will be paired with members of the CTAA Board and staff to discuss key legislative priorities for the community and public transit industry with relevant Congressional offices. This is an invaluable opportunity exclusive to ELA members, providing increased insight into the legislative process and how different governmental bodies influence transit policy and funding.

Questions about the program? Visit the ELA page, or reach out to